A View of the Acropolis

admin  —  1:21 pm

A View of the Acropolis 

A few weeks ago I took a notion to go on a holiday and the second destination I picked was Athens Greece. As it has been a while since I was there and I have heard so many stories about the Greek Credit Crisis..  I didn’t know what to expect but as I have always liked going to Athens I decided to book myself in to the Central Hotel In Athens.

Acropolis View Athens

I have some family a cousin and brother and sister in Athens from my dads first marriage so I didn’t get as much time as I might have liked travelling around the country.. The other thing was I normally travel there by car.  Yes it may sound a bit crazy driving from Northern Ireland to Greece but I absolutely love the trip. Why you may ask well firstly I miss out on the dose of radiation from the airport scanners.

Secondly I don’t have to line up in a queue like a sheep with cases waiting to be searched, and thirdly no one weighs my bags so I can shop and bring what I like. Yes when I have paid a few hundred or thousand dollars to go on a trip. It is nice to have a choice what I can and cannot bring back with me from my trip.

Personally I think the airport security and running ten miles across the airport to catch the plane would put years on you..  And then of course you have to go up against the airport scams where some companies allow miniscule bags for hand baggage..    And others allow normal hand baggage bags as they should, Like for example wizzair charged me to check in because the printout I had was not the boarding pass just the purchase and flight details..  I am an internet marketer for 8 years and if I could not find where on the website the boarding pass was.  I would hate to see an internet newbie finding it and printing it out…

Central Hotel View Of Acropolis AthensAfter being either forced to stay home and miss my paid for bookings or pay an extra £30 and line up like a sheep once again for a boarding pass..  Before going back to the check in line. Fortunately I had three different sized bags and not a lot in them so instead of being charged 20 or £30 pounds for an ordinary hand baggage bag extra.  I put my hand baggage bag into my suitcase and carried my small laptop bag instead..  But the guy behind me got hit for £50 or £60  he straight up refused to pay it and told them to stick their flight where the sun don’t shine..   He was well pissed …

Anyway eventually I flew from London to Bulgaria stayed there a few days before getting a coach to Athens a few days later..  Everything in Athens was great the food was amazing the place looked fine to me .. what recession and my hotel had a  lovely view of the Acropolis…

Anywhere I wanted to go I just walked a few hundred meters to Syntagma Square and hopped on the underground which a ticket was about 1 Euro 60 for 30 mins travel which would get you pretty much anywhere you would want to go in Athens..  When I arrived I slept all day and woke up at 2am in the morning uk time 4am Athens time  if  I had of been at home I would have been starved lol..

But went I went down to the hotel reception the night porter told me it is 100% safe just walk to Syntagma Square on the corner the is a restaurant called Everest you can go there and get something to eat..  So I went to the square and had a tasty Greek feast before coming back to the hotel and doing a little work on one of my websites…

Syntagma Square Fountain

I had an awesome few days there in fact one of my clients took me one night to one of the most famous restaurants in Monistiraki.  And the food there was also amazing all in all it was a great trip the shops and things for sale where unreal..  I bought some new wallets for the family and a load of health and food goodies to take home with me getting them back was fun too..  But that is another story. A trip to Athens is highly recommended only thing make sure you change some money before you get there as many banks will not change pounds into Euros unless you are a customer..


A View of the Acropolis

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