Have You Booked Your Summer Holidays Yet?

admin  —  10:42 pm

Have You Booked Your Summer Holidays Yet?

Time flies by and then suddenly you realise it is that time of the year again, yes Christmas is over the January and February Freeze and suddenly March is upon us.  Before we know it Easter will be here and then in what seems like the blink of an eye, the summer holidays will be upon us once again.

Now if you are already living the high life and have a multi million dollar business then it really doesn’t matter when you decide where to go.  Yes you can afford it and you are probably not worried about creating any hassle in your life to save a few hundred or even a few thousand $$$$$s.

If on the other hand you are not made it on the rich list yet you may be a bit more careful when it comes to booking your summer holidays. The thing is by booking flights,boat tickets,and hotels well in advance you can make big savings on your trip.

I myself remember when I just started my online business and was struggling a bit, booking a ticket to London a few days in advance could cost me up to £250 but if I booked 2 months in advance I could get the same tickets for £100.  Now that may not seem like a lot but if you add another £100 a night saving on the cost of your hotel for 7 days.

You could be saving close to £1000 on one trip which for many people is money that is not to be sneezed at . Now with comparison booking engines like Booking.com etc.

You can not only save money on Plane tickets, Ferries,Car Hire,Hotel Rooms,Guest Houses,B & B, but lots more other things as well.

The thing is when I go on a holiday a lot of the time it is to Europe, and we generally stay a minimum of three months there at least as we go by car and ferry.

So apart from a money saving point of view we need a few months warning to have everything at home in order before we go. Including our dates and excuses for school etc. Sorted out.

Have you planned your next trip yet if so post the details in the comments below and share it with our readers, we would love to hear about your next planned holiday trips or experiences of previous ones, be they good or bad.

If you haven’t planned your next trip let this article be a reminder of how quickly summer will be upon you.  Maybe you should start looking for some good deals for your holidays starting today.

Besides what harm is there in looking right?  I am a big believer in visualisation and before most things happen you need to imagine dream and / or visualise them,  so have you started looking at your next dream holiday spot yet?

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Have You Booked Your Summer Holidays Yet?

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