Brazil travel: Tourist places in Brazil

justine123  —  5:06 pm

Brazil is a huge country which covers more than half of the South American continent. It is famous for its fun-filled metropolitan cities, amazing flora and fauna, imposing waterfalls, white-sandy beaches, tropical islands and charming colonial towns.Brasilia the capital of Brazil.

Here is a brief overview of some amazing tourist places in Brazil.

Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer is the largest Art Deco statue in the world and is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone. Located in Rio de Janeiro, it is 39.6 meters tall. This statue of Jesus Christ stands as a symbol of Brazilian Christianity.

Iguazu Falls

Located on the border international border between Brazil and Argentina, Iguazu Falls is a wonder of nature. Boat excursions, helicopter ride, rappelling and jungle safaris are some of the activities that you can indulge in here.

Amazon River

Amazon River Is the largest river (by volume) in the world. You can look forward to exhilarating adventures in the jungles surrounding this amazing river. Tours are conducted by expert guides. You can also spot unique wild life. More than one-third of all species in the world love in the Amazon rainforest. There are more than 2000 recognized species of fish in this giant river.

Brazil Carnival

This famous festival is celebrated 46 days before Easter. It is celebrated all over the country. The carnival at Rio attracts people from all over the world. The entire city lights up to celebrate the occasion.


Pantanal is the world’s largest tropical wetland and houses a wide variety of flora and fauna. Bird watching, hiking, photography, jaguar tracking, boating and night safari are some popular tourist activities offered by this region.

Frenando de Noronha

This beautiful archipelago offers pristine beaches, stunning landscapes and amazing wildlife to its visitors. It is literally heaven on earth for nature lovers. Diving and snorkeling are popular activities here.

Teatro Amazonas

This opera house is located in Manaus. Located at the heart of the Amazon rainforest, it is built with materials from all over the world. It was built in the year 1897 with marble from Italy, steel from England and furniture from Paris.

Ouro Preto

This colonial town has preserved Portuguese architecture very well. Buildings constructed here should adhere to historical standards maintained by the authorities. This town provides a unique experience to its visitors.

Visit to Brazil is a unique and enriching experience, which is bound to linger in your memory for a long time.
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