5 Camping Tricks and Hacks for Families

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5 Camping Tricks and Hacks for Families

Camping can be a seriously fun way of bringing the entire family together whilst being close to the nature. The very activity of camping is quite exhilarating itself but what makes it truly special are the other added bustles just for an even greater quality family time. Camping with children can primarily be about the sporting happenings so going with a bunch of board games is definitely preferred. Other than the boarding games, hiking, trekking and even water sports will be a great idea as long as the campsite allows all such facilities. It is a great way of bonding and pumping the competitive streak in children whilst inculcating a sense of sportsman spirit in them from a young, impressionable age.


Camping food ideas for the families can be a source of unlimited fun. For those children who are not too excited about going away, this might just be the luring factor. From campfire pizza to s’mores, one can decide what to make as per the choices of the entire family. An ingenuous way of eating tacos with minimal access to amenities can be by stuffing salad into a chips bag directly; something that is surely going to be a big hit. If you are craving pancakes while out in the woods, simple prepare the batter before the departure and store it in piping bags. They can be made within hours on a stove over campfire. Using premade cones can also be a fun way as you can ask your children to add the toppings on them as per their choice and it can turn into a fun activity. Store fun drinks in the cooler just so the heat can be combated tastefully. Homemade granola bars are also a convenient way of battling all the hunger pangs in a jiffy, just make them according to the different food choices of your children.

Sometimes while camping, the entire activity can turn out to be a bit fussy and cause some discomfort for the parents. It is advised to create a portable organizer, a makeshift table with clamps on it where everything can be hung and sorted out. This can also be the go to table for anything important even in case of emergencies. One can hang a first aid kit from it just so everyone knows where to rush to if there is an emergency.

For some added energy and creativity, a great way of being innovative with the children is by making activity bags with certain themes inside them. The children can just grab a pack which can have scavenger hunt items inside it. This is a brilliant way of spending the day together when you have nothing else planned out. Distributing various activity planners inside each bag would definitely keep the element of entertainment and amusement going as it is something that can be done by all family members, young and old alike. Camping is a great way of staying connected so it is advised to go outdoors once in a while as it can be something that your family loves.

Author Bio:

Beth Martel is a mother of two, a medical professional and a humalitarian. She regularly blogs at www.HealthyRecharge.com.


5 Camping Tricks and Hacks for Families

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